-- Other services, business accounting, transaction of the health card



Thanks to our human and technical infrastructure we can offer externalisation of services such as:
  • Accounting Service
We have highly qualified staff to make the accounts of your company giving  you the option of  keeping daily records of your accounts.
  • IT Services:
We offer services of renting our server and administration applications as our technical infrastructure in this area is the best. All this administered by experts in this area and specialised in the administration of professional offices.


The moment that you become a client of AROCA SEQIUER & ASOCIADOS you will receive a user code with which you can Access the private area of our website being able to administer you details from home without coming to our offices and being able to consult:
  • PERSONAL DETAILS: The client can check their  personal details that our office has registered in their name, they can contact us if any changes are required.
  • DOWNLAOD DOCUMENTS: Download scanned copies of documents such as: NIE, Income tax,. Local rates and any other important documents.
  • EXTRACT OF CHARGES: Access to a record of payments we make in your name and what they were made for and the amount.
  • NOTIFICATIONS FROM THE COMPANY TO THE CLIENT: Notification to each of our clients or our services, news and reminders that may be of interest such as the fiscal calendar.


In the same way we assist you with the application for NIE and Residencias we can also assist with information on how and where to obtain this card.